IIS 6.0에서 파일명을 제대로 검증하지 않고 실행시키는 취약성이 발견되었다.

이 취약성에 대해서는 중국사이트에서 발견되었으며, 급속도로 Ctrl+C Ctrl+V 되어 가고 있다.. ^^

II6.0에 다 된다고 해서 테스트해보았으나 특정한 환경에서 가능하다는 것을 깨닭고 포기를 했으나, skinfosec 블로그에서 보고특정 환경에서만 가능하다는 정도만 파악했다.. 귀찮고 할일이 많아서 여유가 있으면 다시 테스트 해봐야겠다.


II6.0이 설치되어 있고 OS 버전이 아래와 같으면 취약하다고 한다.
- 5.2.3790 SP1
- 5.23790 SP2
- 5.2.3790 SP2+ 최신보안 업데이트

대응방안으로는 MS社에서 패치가 나오거나 아래와 같이 설정을 변경한다.

파일의 이름은 223자까지 사용되는것으로 보이기고  jpg,gif 이외에 다른 파일 확장자도 되는지 확인 해봐야하기때문에 우선 공개된 내용으로 패턴을 만들어 보았다.
alert tcp $EXTERNAL_NET any -> $HOME_NET 80 (msg:"MS IIS 6.0 x.asp;x.jpg/x.php;x.jpg File Execution"; flow:established, to_server; pcre:"/[a-zA-Z0-9_]{1,223}\.(asp|php)\;[a-zA-Z0-9_]{1,223}\.(jpg|gif)/mi";sid:XXXX;)

Posted by regexkorea
보안 프로그램2009. 10. 14. 11:56


  • Nemesis:
    a command line packet shaper
  • Packit:
    The Packet Toolkit – A network packet shaper.
  • Hping
    by Antirez: a command line TCP/IP packet shaper
  • Sing:
    stands for ‘Send ICMP Nasty Garbage’; sends fully customizeable ICMP
  • Scapy:
    a new python-based packet generator

Cracker/Login Hacker:

  • John
    the Ripper
    : a well-known
    password cracker for Windows and *nix Systems
  • Djohn:
    a distributed password cracker based on "John
    the Ripper
  • Cain
    & Abel
    : an advanced
    password recovery tool for windows systems. It sniffs the network
    packets an cracks authentication brute-force or with dictionary
  • Project
    : Advanced instant
    NT password cracker
  • Rainbowtables: The
    shmoo group provides pre-generated rainbow tables for bittorrent
    download. The tables are generated with RainbowCrack (see above).
  • Windows
    password recovery tool
    by Peter
  • THC-Dialup
    Login Hacker
    by THC. It tries to
    guess username and password against the modem carrier. As far as I know
    the only available dialup password guesser for *NIX.
  • Hydra
    by THC: a multi-protocol login hacker. Hydra is also integrated with Nessus.
  • Medusa: parallel network login auditor
  • THC
    imap bruter
    : a very fast imap
    password brute forcer
  • x25bru:
    a login/password bruteforcer for x25 pad
  • Crowbar: a generic web brute force tool (Windows only; requires .NET Framework)
  • MDCrack-NG: a very fast MD4/MD5/NTLMv1 hash cracker; works optionally with precomputed hash tables


  • Wireshark (formerly known as Ethereal): an open source network protocol analyzer
  • Dsniff
    by Dug Song: a combination of very useful sniffer and man-in-the-middle
    attack tools
  • Ettercap:
    a multipurpose sniffer/interceptor/logger for switched LAN environments
  • aimsniffer:
    monitors AOL instant messager communication on the network
  • 4G8:
    a tool ,similar to ettercap, to capture network traffic in switched
  • cdpsniffer:
    Cisco discovery protocol (CDP) decoding sniffer

Scanner / Information Gathering:

  • nmap:
    the currently most well-known port scanner. Since version 3.45 it
    supports version
    . Have a look at PBNJ for diffing different nmap scans.
    released their nmap wrapper NWRAP,
    which shows all known protocols for the discovered ports form the Open
    Protocol Resource Database
  • Nmap::Scanner:
    Perl output parser for nmap
  • Amap
    by THC: An advanced portscanner which determines the application behind
    a network port by its application handshake. Thus it detects well-known
    applications on non-standard ports or unknown applications on
    well-known ports.
  • vmap
    by THC: version mapper to determine the version (sic!) of scanned daemons
  • Unicornscan:
    a information gathering and correlation engine
  • DMitry (Deepmagic Information Gathering Tool): a host information gathering tool for *nix systems
  • Athena:
    a search engine query tool for passive information gathering


  • Nessus
    - In version 2 an OpenSource network scanner. Version 3 is only available in binary form and under a proprietary license.
  • OpenVAS: a fork of Nessus 2.2.5 (formerly known as GNessUs)

  • Nessj: a java based nessus (and compatibles) client (formerly known as Reason)
  • Paul
    Clip from @stake released AUSTIN,
    a security scanner for Palm OS 3.5+.


  • Nikto:
    a web server scanner with anti IDS features. Based on Rain Forest
    Puppies libwhisker
  • Wikto: a webserver assessment tool (Windows only; requires .NET framework)
  • WSDigger:
    a black box web pen testing tool from Foundstone (Windows based)
  • Metis:
    a java based information gathering tool for web sites


  • SinFP: a fingerprinting tool which requires only an open tcp port and sends maximum 3 packets
  • Winfingerprint:
    much more than a simple fingerprinting tool.It scans for Windows
    shares, enumerates usernames, groups, sids and much more.
  • p0f
    : Michal Zalewski announced his
    new release of p0f 2, a passive OS fingerprinting tool. p0f 2 is a
    completely rewrite of the old p0f code.
  • xprobe2:
    a remote active operating system fingerprinting tool from Ofir Arkin
    and the xprobe2 team
  • Cron-OS:
    an active OS fingerprinting tool based on TCP timeout behavior. This
    project was formerly known as "RING" and is now published as a nmap


  • Burp
    : an interactive HTTP/S
    proxy server for attacking and debugging web-enabled applications
  • Screen-scraper:
    a http/https-proxy server with a scripting engine for data manipulation
    and searching
  • Paros:
    a man-in-the-middle proxy and application vulnerability scanner
  • WebScarab: a framework for analyzing web applications. One of it’s basic functionality is the usage as intercepting proxy.

War Dialers:

  • IWar: a classic war dialer. One of a few wardialers for *nix operation systems, and the only with VOIP functionality (to my knowledge)
  • THC-Scan: a war dialer for DOS, Windows and DOS emulators

Malware / Exploit Collections:

  • packetstormsecurity.org:
    Huge collections of tools and exploits
  • ElseNot Project: The project tries to publish an exploit for each MS Security Bulltin. A script kiddie dream come true.
  • Offensive Computing: Another malware collection site
  • Securityforest: try the ExploitTree to get a collection of exploit code; have a look at the ToolTree for a huge list of pentest stuff

Databases / SQL:

  • sqlninja: a tool to exploit sql injection vulnerabilities in web applications with MS SQL Servers (alpha stage)
  • CIS
    Oracle Database Scoring Tool
    scans Oracle 8i for compliance with the CIS Oracle Database
  • SQLRecon:
    an active and passive scanner for MSSQL server. Works on Windows 2000,
    XP and 2003.
  • absinthe: a
    gui-based tool that automates the process of downloading the schema
    & contents of a database that is vulnerable to Blind SQL Injection
    (see here
    and here).
  • SQL Power Injector: a GUI based SQL injector for web pages (Windows, .Net Framework 1.1 required, Internet Explorer 5.0+ required)

Voice over IP (VOIP):

  • vomit (voice over misconfigured internet telephones): converts Cisco IP phone conversations into wave files
  • SiVuS: a VOIP vulnerability scanner – SIP protocol (beta, Windows only)
  • Cain & Abel: mostly a password cracker, can also record VOIP conversations (Windows only)
  • sipsak (SIP swis army knife): a SIP packet generator
  • SIPp: a SIP test tool and packet generator
  • Nastysip: a SIP bogus message generator
  • voipong: dumps G711 encoded VOIP communications to wave files. Supports: SIP, H323, Cisco Skinny Client Protocol, RTP and RTCP
  • Perl based tools by Thomas Skora: sip-scan, sip-kill, sip-redirectrtp, rtpproxy and ipq_rules
  • rtptools: a toolset for rtp recording and playing

Networkbased Tools:

  • yersinia: a network tool
    designed to take advantage of some weakeness in different network
    protocols (STP, CDP, DTP, DHCP, HSRP, 802.1q, VTP)
  • Netsed:
    alters content of network packets while
    forwarding the packets

  • ip6sic:
    a IPv6 stack integrity tester


  • ike-scan:
    an IPSec enumeration and fingerprinting tool
  • ikeprobe:
    ike scanning tool
  • ipsectrace:
    a tool for profiling ipsec traffic in a dump file. Initial alpha release
  • VPNMonitor:
    a Java application to observer network traffic. It graphically
    represents network connections and highlights all VPN connections. Nice
    for demonstrations, if somewhat of limited use in a real pen test.
  • IKECrack:an IKE/IPSec cracker for pre-shared keys (in aggressive mode authentication [RFC2409])

DNS Auditing tool by Pierre Betouin

a session hijacking tool with curses GUI

a Windows MAC Address Modifying Utility. Supports Windows 2000 and XP.

WebGoat Project
: a web
application written in Java with intentional vulnerabilities. Supports
an interactive learning environment with individual lessons.

a Windows Terminal Server brute forcer

Whitehouse from @stake released some new cellular phone based
pentesting tools for scanning
All tools
require a Sony Ericsson P800 mobile phone. Unfortunately, @stake seems
no longer to support much of their free
security tools. So, use instead the alternativ download links above.

generates fuzzy fingerprints that look almost nearly equal to a given
fingerprint/hash-sum. Very useful for MITM attacks.

a password finder for LM/NTLM hashes. Currently, there is no support
for NTLM2 hashes. In order to get the hashes from network traffic, try ScoopLM.

: a linux kernel based

Metasploit Framework
: an
"advanced open-source platform for developing, testing, and using
exploit code".

ATK (Attack Tool Kit): a comination of security scanner and exploit framework (Windows only)

Pirana: an exploitation framework to test the security of email content filters. See also the whitepaper

a tool which provides the means to locate keys within a buffer. Based
on the article "Playing
hide and seek with stored keys
by Adi Shamir.

identifies an executables dynamic link library (DLL) files

a security tool for testing dhcp security

a perl
script for enumeration against ldap servers.

Checkpwd: a dictionary based password checker for oracle databases

NirCmd from NirSoft: a windows command line tool to manipulate the registry, initiate a dialup connection and much more

Windows Permission Identifier: a tools for auditing user permissions on a windows system

MSNPawn: a toolset for footprinting, profiling and assesment via the MSN Search. Windows-only, .NET required

snmpcheck:a tool to gather information via snmp. Works on Linux, *BSD and Windows systems.

pwdump6: extract NTLM and LanMan hashes from Windows targets

출처 : lonerunners.net
원문 : http://www.lonerunners.net/1188-penetration-testing-tools.html

'보안 프로그램' 카테고리의 다른 글

Digital Forensic SIFTing: SUPER Timeline Creation using log2timeline-sift  (0) 2012.06.25
Backtrack IP 설정  (0) 2011.12.13
Packet Generator Tool  (0) 2011.11.21
nc 응답 테스트  (1) 2011.04.19
토마 호크 설치 하기  (1) 2009.09.22
Posted by regexkorea
걱정이 재태크2009. 10. 13. 13:37


위 블로그 주인장은 주문진 앞에 한동짜리 아파트를 4천여만원 가격으로 경매를 낙찰 받아서 가족 별장으로 사용하고 계신다.
경매 교육을 받았을때 해수욕장 인근 아파트를 경매로 낙찰 받아서 임대수익을 올리는 방법에 대해 들어본적이 있다.

1년에 성수기와 주말을 포함하여 60회 정도 임대를 한다고 해보자.. 많은가? 적은가? ^^
1박에 15~20만원의 임대비를 받는다고 한다면 년 700에서 1200만원의 수익을 올릴수있다.
4천만원에 최대 1200만원이라고 하면 년 25%정도의 수익이 생긴다.

그러나 문제점은 관리(이불, 청소, 물건분실) 부분이다. 들은 소리지만 부산에서는 아파트 입구에 슈퍼에서 열쇠, 아파트를 관리해준다고 들었다. 물론 직접 슈퍼에서 임대를 운영해주는 조건으로 알고있다..^^; 그리고 임대수익은 반반..뭐 관리해주시는 분들하고 얘기하기 나름이겠지만..

적은 돈으로 틈새 투자하기에는 좋은것 같다.. 언제나 바다가 보고싶으면 찾아갈수 있는 나만의 별장이 될수도 있으니깐...
Posted by regexkorea